"The average man ," said the noted psychologist,Professor Carl Seashore ,"does not use about ten persent of his actual inherited capacity for memory .He wastes the ninety percent by violating the natural laws of remembering" 1)These "natural laws of remembering " are three : Impression, Repetition ,Association 2)Get a deep vivid impression of the thing you wish to remember To do that you must - a) Concentrate That was a secret of Theodore Roosevelt's memory b) Observe closely .Get accurate impression . A camera wont take pictures in a fog ; neither will your mind retain foggy impressions c)Get your impressions through as many of the senses as possible Lincolin read aloud whatever he wished to remember so that he would get both a visual and an auditory impression d) Above all else ,be sure to get eye impressions.They stick the nervous leading from the eye to the brain are 25 times as large as those leading from t...
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