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How to remember what you read or studied ?

"The average man ," said the noted psychologist,Professor Carl  Seashore,"does not use about ten persent of his actual inherited capacity for memory .He wastes the ninety percent by violating the natural laws of remembering"

1)These "natural laws of remembering " are three : Impression, Repetition ,Association 
2)Get a deep vivid impression of the thing you wish to remember To do that you must - 
  a) Concentrate That was a secret of Theodore Roosevelt's memory 

  b)  Observe closely .Get accurate impression . A camera wont take pictures in a fog ; neither will your mind retain foggy impressions 
  c)Get your impressions through as many of the senses as possible Lincolin read aloud whatever he wished to remember so that he would get both a visual and an auditory impression
  d) Above all else ,be sure to get eye impressions.They stick the nervous leading from the eye to the brain are 25 times as large as those leading from the ear to the brain. Twin could not remember the outline of his speech when he used notice but when he threw away his notice an used picture to recall his various headings all his trouble vanished 

3)The second law of memory is "Repetition " . Thousand of Mohammedan memorize Koran. A book as about as long as the new testment and the do it very largely through the power of repetition we memorize anything ,within a reason if we repeat it often enough.But bear these facts in Mind .As you repeat :
 a.Do not sit down and repeate a thing over and over untill you have it engraved on your memory.Go over it once or twice then drop it.;come back later and go over it again repeating at intervals in that manner will enable you to memorize a thing in about one half the time required to do it at one sitting 
b. After we memorise a thing , We forget as much as during the first 8 hours as we do during the next thirty days,"So go over your  notes just a few minutes before you make to your exam or test 
4)The third law of memory is " Association . The only way anything can possibly be remembered at all is by associating it with some other fact "Whatever appears in the mind "said Professor James ,"must be introduced ; and ,when introduced it is as the associate of something already there .... The one who thinks over his experiences the most and weaves them into the most synthetic relation with each other , will be one with the best memory ." 
5)When you wish to associate one fact with others already in mind, think over the facts from all angles .Ask about it such questions as these : "Why is this so ?When is it so ? Where is it so ?Who said it so ?"

6)To remember a stranger's name ask questions about it - how it spelled ,and so on ? Observe his looks sharply . Try to connect the name with his face . Find out his / her business try to invent some nonsense phrase that will connect his name with his business , Such as was done in the Penn Athletic Club groups 

7)To remember dates ,associate them with prominent  date already in mind  For Example ,the three hundredth anniversary of Shakespear's birth occurred  during civil war 
8)To remember the points of your address ,arrange them in such a logical order that one leads naturally to the text . In addition one can make a nonsense sentence out of the main points - for example " The cow smoked a cigar and hooked Napolean , and the house burned with religion ." 
the above sentence can be used to remember such unassociated word such as cow cigar Napolean house religion 

9)If in spite of all preacautions you suddenly forget what you intended to say ,you may be able to save yoyrself from complte dafeat by using the last words of yoyr last sentence as the first words in a new one .This can be continued until you are able to think of your next point  

Thanks For Reading Please share your thought if you like it and give feedback in comment 


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