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Showing posts with the label Leadership and Management Lessons By Chanakya

Who Was Chanakya ?

Generally Chanakya is called as  Kingmaker of Chandragupta Maurya .He was the Person whose policies made india as richest country in two aspects Spiritually and Materiasticaly(Wealth) .BORN IN 4TH CENTURY B.C. in India, Chanakya was also known as Vishnugupta and Kautilya. Through the centuries, scholars have described Chanakya as a rare mastermind who became an expert in varied and specialised fields like management,economics, politics, law, leadership, governance, warfare, military tactics, accountingsystems, and several others. The 6000 sutras have been classified into 15 books, 150 chapters, and 180 topics by Chanakya himself.He was responsible for bringing down the Nanda dynasty and establishing his ablestudent Chandragupta Maurya on the throne as the Emperor. Hence, he is called a'Kingmaker'. He is also credited with masterminding the defeat of Alexander in Indiawho was on his march to conquer the world.As a political thinker, he was the first to visualise the ...

The Other Side of Chanakya

This Post is Based On Book: Inside Chanakyas Mind by Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai   A dear friend of Chanakya who was visiting the Magadha kingdom was staying with him.During an informal conversation, the friend asked Chanakya, ‘Why is thatpeople hate you, are afraid of you, and consider you a man who cannot betrusted?’This concerned friend knew the real Chanakya since they were childhood friends, when he was known as Vishnugupta—his original name. ‘Vishnu, I know you are not like that. You are a person who is most loving by nature, very concerned about the welfare of all; there is nothing but care and love for others. Then why is it that people have misunderstood you?’ Chanakya started laughing. ‘Listen, I am not in the popularity game. And it does not matter to me what they say to my face or behind my back. People have their own views. For me, the purpose of my life is greater than what the perception about me is.’ These were profound insights that Chanaky...