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The Other Side of Chanakya

This Post is Based On Book: Inside Chanakyas Mind by Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai 

 A dear friend of Chanakya who was visiting the Magadha kingdom was
staying with him.During an informal conversation, the friend asked Chanakya, ‘Why is thatpeople hate you, are afraid of you, and consider you a man who cannot betrusted?’This concerned friend knew the real Chanakya since they were childhood
friends, when he was known as Vishnugupta—his original name.
‘Vishnu, I know you are not like that. You are a person who is most loving by
nature, very concerned about the welfare of all; there is nothing but care and
love for others. Then why is it that people have misunderstood you?’
Chanakya started laughing. ‘Listen, I am not in the popularity game. And it
does not matter to me what they say to my face or behind my back. People have
their own views. For me, the purpose of my life is greater than what the
perception about me is.’
These were profound insights that Chanakya gave his dear friend.
‘The purpose of your life?’ The friend was stunned, and wanted to know what was inside Chanakya’s mind.
‘Yes, I am clear on the purpose for which I was born. Nothing can distract me
from achieving my goal. I am focused and determined to achieve that before I
leave this planet. So, to attain that, whatever is required, I will do it. No means is
right or wrong for me. Finally, I will accomplish it.’
Seeing the fire in Chanakya’s eyes, the friends asked, ‘Can I know what the
goal is?’
With a deep breath Chanakya said, ‘Nation-building.’ He continued to
explain. ‘We are all born in a great place—Bharat. Our ancestors were great men
and women of wisdom and realization. Ours is a spiritual culture. It helps man to
achieve the ultimate—the realization of God. Our rishis, munis, sadhus and
sanyasis gave the world invaluable gifts like meditation, yoga and Ayurveda. We
have made all knowledge available to the world without any personal interests.
This is the place where even gods feel lucky to have taken birth. But . . .’ There
was a pause filled with a feeling of sadness.
He continued, ‘There are a few people in our country who are criminals.
Unfortunately, these few people in our generation also happen to be kings and
leaders. Once society is led by criminals and selfish people, there is no happiness
among the subjects. There is only frustration and hopelessness . . .’
And then reminding his friend, Chanakya said, ‘I was born to a great teacher
of rajaniti, Rishi Chanak—my father. You knew him very well. He was a great
man and advised the kings on good governance and leadership. Unfortunately,
he had to pay a price—his life itself . . . I decided to take up what my father had
left incomplete. So when I advised the kings based on our scriptures, I realized
that they did not care for anything. There was only selfishness in their approach.
Corruption was everywhere and there was no way to guide them.’
Then he revealed his strategy: ‘So I decided to create a new king. A new
leader, Chandragupta, who would follow the way of dharma. And all those who
came in the way, I eliminated them using kuta niti. Sometimes for the sake of the
protection of the good, the evil has to be eliminated.’
His friend was aware that there was a softer side to Chanakya that hardly
anyone knew of. He only had respect for Chanakya.


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