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How to priortise work

All we know one thing that the time is the only thing which lost can not be recovered. The time gone never comes back. Basically we search always that how to manage time. The time management is not the time management it is a priority management. Don't try to manage time mange your priorities.

Once you learned to manage priorities you can master your life. I will suggest you an one method  of how to priortise your work. The method is developed by Brian Tracy . A best selling author . This technique is given in his book Eat that frog  
 The Technique is 

Use the ABCDE Method Continually
The first law of success is concentration –
to bend all the energies to one point, and to go directly to that point,
looking neither to the right or to the left.”
William Mathews
The more thought you invest in planning  and setting priorities before,you begin, the more important things you will do and the faster you will do and the faster you
will get them done once you get  
will get them done once you get started.
The more important and valuable the task is to you, the more likely you will be motivated to overcome procrastination and launch yourself into the job .You then place an A, B, C, D or E before each item on your list before you begin the first task .

1 . An "A" item is defined as something that is very important. This is something that you must do.This is a task for which there can be serious consequences if you do it or fail to do it, like visiting a key customer or finishing a report for your boss that she needs for anupcoming board meeting. These are the frogs of your life.

2.If you have more than one "A" task, you prioritize these tasks by writing A-1, A-2, A-3, and so on in front of each item. Your A-1
task is your biggest, ugliest frog of all.

3.A "B" item is defined as a task that you should do. But it only has mildconsequences. These are the tadpoles of your work life. This means that someone may be unhappy or inconvenienced if you don't do it,but it is nowhere as important as an "A" task. Returning an unimportant telephone message or reviewing your email would be a "B" task 

4.The rule is that you should never do a "B" task when there is an "A"task left undone. You should never be distracted by a tadpole whenthere is a big frog sitting there waiting to be eaten.

5. A "C" task is defined as something that would be nice to do, but forwhich there are no consequences at all, whether you do it or not. "C"tasks include phoning a friend, having coffee or lunch with acoworker or completing some business during work hours.This sort of activity has no affect at all on your work life

6.A "D" task is defined as something you can delegate to someone else.The rule is that you should delegate everything that anyone else can do so that you can free up more time for the "A" tasks that only you
can do.

7.An "E" task is defined as something that you can eliminate altogether and it won't make any real difference.

This may be a task that was important at one time but which is no
longer relevant to yourself or anyone else. Often it is something you
continue to do out of habit or because you enjoy it. But every minute
that you spend on an “E” task is time taken away from a task or
activity that can make a real difference in your life.

Practice this ABCDE Method every day and on every work or
project list, before you begin work, for the next month. By that time,
you will have developed the habit of setting and working on your
highest priority tasks and your future will be assured!

Thanks For Reading Please give your feed back in comments Again Thank you so much 



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